A Mishmash of Winter Weather (Doggies & House)

They were calling for 1-3 inches of snow, we got over 6″, then it all turned to sleet and then eventually to freezing rain.  They were calling for the temperatures to rise above freezing by 9pm last night, the temps didn’t rise above freezing until after 8am this morning which left us with quite a coating of ice.  OH joy, joy, what a mishmash of cold wetness we’ve experienced in the last 24+ hours. 😉  Well, hey, I can’t complain too much, I’ve been safe and warm in my home, the hubby has been here with me, and my pups have had another snow day to enjoy. 🙂  Here are a smattering of pictures that I’ve taken in the last 24 hours or so. 🙂

I started my day yesterday with letting the pups out in the backyard to play…This was the first picture I took as I walked out the back door, a smidgen more than 3″ of snow I’d say…


Of course, our Newfoundlands Sophie and Samson and our Golden Retriever Gracie had a blast romping and playing. 🙂



These pups just love the snow, I swear they eat their weight in it as well…OH well, they will remain well- hydrated. 😉

I walked around and took a few pictures of the house too…It was quite the winter wonderland…





The hubby came home early as the roads deteriorated quite quickly…This is what his car looked like…yikes!!



Thankfully, the sun is shining brightly today and the ice and snow are melting quickly. Folks are bustling around town again today and all is just about back to normal. 🙂


I will admit, it is so hard to stay staunchly on my diet on those days when we are kind of stuck in the house, but, I didn’t do horribly badly…haha…still though, I have plenty more to lose…one second, one minute, and one day at at time. 🙂


No more snow is predicted in the foreseeable future, but, in years past we’ve been known to get a good storm in March, so we’ll see what happens as we move forward in time. 🙂

For now, I will enjoy this beautiful day and thank the good Lord above that we are all safe, warm, and happy. 🙂


Until next time, y’all take good care! ❤

~Arlynn ❤

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