Canada & New England: Last Day On Board, Shopping, TV Tutorial, Disembarkation Morning, and Welcome Home


I have had such a good time sharing our time on this cruise with all of you! I can’t believe that in this post, I will be telling you about our last day on board the beautiful Regal Princess, and then I’ll move onto telling you about our disembarkation morning, show you a little entertainment, and share with you a tv tutorial.  I will then show you a little video of how we were greeted when we walked back into our home.  I ***thought*** that I would also add the collage picture tour of the Regal into this post, but, I have way too many pictures and that post is going to take me quite a while to compile.  Also, I think that post should stand alone simply for the fact that I may be able to point folks to that post who might be traveling on the Regal but to a different part of the globe.  She is a big, beautiful, grand lady and she deserves and is definitely worthy of her very own stand-alone post. 🙂

All right, let’s get started.  When I woke up on the morning of our last day on the ship, I knew that it was going to be a day at sea and that I’d be trekking around the big ship taking tons and tons of pictures…and…then…yes…begrudgingly, I was going to have to pack… .   This morning started out just like the 5 other mornings on this cruise had started out, with Chris out and about getting his coffee and gathering my tea.  And I was pulling myself together for the day’s happenings—I pulled out my leggings, poncho, and boots for this day (btw, I didn’t wash one stitch of clothes while on this cruise…what? I know, right? It’s a miracle—BUT, I do have pictures of the laundromat that I’ll share in that big collage picture post).  Here is how this ole girl looked on that day:


Chris and I headed off for some brunch–We’ve decided that we enjoy eating two (as opposed to three) meals a day while cruising.  I’m telling y’all, one could eat one’s self to oblivion while aboard one of these floating cities…We tried our best not to do that—NOT that we were dieting, but, we certainly weren’t stuffing ourselves either. Anyway, here is the Patter for this day:


We’d also received our disembarkation paperwork, we’d be “walking off” (instead of doing any kind of transfer to an airport–when we have to go to the airport, we always use Princess transfers and in that case, we are always directed to one of the lounges to wait for our number to be called and then we’re escorted to our awaiting motor coach).


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So off we trekked to get our brunch and to do a little shopping because I knew there was one sale (the 75% off sale) happening that I wanted to hit, and then we started taking those aforementioned pictures. 🙂  We stopped several times in the Piazza as well, here is a little smattering of the entertainment that we heard and witnessed throughout the day–There was something happening in the Piazza all of the time btw…

Here are a couple of little things that I picked up from that 75% off sale:

A Regal Princess Pin–That went you know where…haha:


IMG_1778.jpgThese 4 pins because we are going to be traveling with 3 other couples in 2018–We’ll be leaving out of Ft. Lauderdale and I wanted to get myself and each of them a pin:


And I got myself this scarf:


And here are some of the other things that they had to offer at that sale (this picture was made with the same iPhone app with which I’ll be creating the ship’s collage pictures in my next post):


I also purchased myself some Clinique make-up and my girls some OPI nail polish sets from Essence:


Their make-up was a really great deal btw, I purchased enough of the face lotion to last me until our next cruise to Alaska. 🙂

While we were perusing through all of the pictures that had been taken of us through the week in the Photography center (only purchased one that I will not share as it truly was awful, but, I always purchase at least one just for memory purposes…haha–I promise, they are not always awful), we ran into my new friend Jill who I’d met on Facebook and connected with via cruising forums.  She and I paused for a few minutes and enjoyed each other’s company (along with her friend Barb too), and we got a couple of pictures clicked off of us.  Here we are standing in the Piazza. 🙂


That was so much fun and I know that she and I will keep in touch moving forward in time–No one can tell me that you can’t make lifelong friends on Facebook, my experiences are proof positive that that is definitely not the case. 🙂

After we were finished shopping, we decided it was time to start taking those many pictures, so we started at the top of the ship and that is where we stopped and played a wee bit of golf. NOT my sport to be sure, but, as I’ve mentioned in some of my other blog posts, my 80 (soon to be 81) year old dad is a scratch golfer and is phenomenal.  So, I was hoping a tiny bit of that talent rubbed off on me…ehhhhh, well…not so much…BUT, I gave the club a swing or two and I showed off how I knew how to grip the club, and yes, believe it or not, I actually hit the ball! LOL


And here is the worst golf swing in the history of the world! LOL  BUT, I tried, and that is what is important huh? 😉 We had a fun few minutes here at this little golfing venue. 🙂img_0639

We were heading through the ship deck by deck and as we were walking on Deck 16 on our way to take pictures of the SeaWalk, we ran into this little “Flair Show”…Check this out:


The SeaWalk is on the other side of the bar there…They have stools on both sides, it is a spiffy little place. 🙂img_0661

As our day was winding down, there was one thing that we wanted to make sure that we did, and that was stop at the Passenger Services area and fill out a few “Consummate Host Recognition Nomination” cards…There were several folks who really went above and beyond the call of duty for us on this cruise. It only took us a few minutes to do this, and it really makes a difference to them to be given a good word or two. 🙂  Here are my two cards, Chris wrote out two others as well. img_0688

And then, it was time to pack…erg…I look thrilled her while I show my packing cubes (another “Poll” request…haha):


And as our day was winding down, I realized that I had never created a video of how the Regal’s TVs work…So here we go, this is what I created right before the sun sent on our last evening on board…

This was the last sunset that we saw while on the Regal, and what a beautiful one it was!


The next morning dawned way too quickly for my taste, although Chris was out and about way before the sun rose, check out some sights he captured as we were sailing back under the Verrazano Bridge and on into the Brooklyn Cruise Port…


And before I knew it, it was time to disembark our ‘home’ for the week…Yes, indeed, I was a sad lady, this cruise whisked by way too fast!


Disembarkation was so easy it barely begs a mention here…We literally walked down the hallway, got on the elevator, went down to deck 6 and poof…walked right off.  We stopped in the cruise terminal to pay our parking bill for the week, and then headed right on over to our car that was in perfect shape (cannot tell a lie, we did have one or two thoughts that it might not be once we returned, so we were relieved). 🙂 Here are two of my favorite shots of the entire cruise.  Chris took this one of the the Statue of Liberty with the morning sun shining brightly on her…


And I took this one of the front of the Regal with Manhattan and the One World Trade Center Building shining brightly for all to see—I’m telling you, that building is such an inspiration and seeing it, even from the distance from which I gazed, left me with a very full heart and made a huge impression on me–We will NEVER forget!!! ❤


And sadly, our cruise was over….  So off we traveled back to our wonderful home where our sweet daughter Christin (who had cared for our pups and home while we were away) was there waiting for us.  The pups were a smidge happy to see us…Here was how we were greeted…

We were of course happy to see them and glad to be home, as much as I love to travel, there is truly no place like home! ❤

As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, I will be compiling one more blog post to add to this Canada & New England Series–A collage picture tour of the Regal; gonna take me a while to create that one though as one of those collage pictures can take me 5+ minutes to make and I have tons of pictures. But, I’ll get ‘er done as soon as I can. 🙂  **UPDATE**:  I’ve now finished that Canada & New England: Collage Picture Tour of the Regal Princess .

So with that, I’ll just say…Until next time, y’all take good care! ❤

***If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will guide me…Psalm 139***

~Arlynn ❤

PS–Here are some pictures that we’ve taken of our pups and home since we got home–Fall has arrived here too:



5 thoughts on “Canada & New England: Last Day On Board, Shopping, TV Tutorial, Disembarkation Morning, and Welcome Home

  1. Pingback: Canada & New England: Halifax, Nova Scotia–Arrival, Lunch With Dear Friend, & Peggy’s Cove – Country Craft Corner

  2. Pingback: Canada & New England Cruise Wardrobe Choices – Country Craft Corner

  3. Pingback: Canada & New England: Pre-Cruise Report – Country Craft Corner

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